
personnes call center

Due to the changing nature of technology, Impact Consulting continues to learn about the latest telecom sector to effectively advise you through your investments
architectural renewal phone.

Therefore, we bring you an added value in the selection and implementation, taking into consideration the needs and development of your business and the current economic environment.


What we do:

  • Recommendations for the migration of existing telephony system to a VoIP infrastructure,
    integrating standard, voice recording system
  • Technical specifications and benchmark solutions


  • Study report of a Call Center solution ( monitoring capabilities , deployment of desktop applications, integration of video conferencing, callback, web callback, Web Collaboration, integration with other open source or for IRV party solutions, redundancy, API available for integration CRM / ERP, advanced to the call center features, the reporting module and APIs available for extraction
  • Analysis and evaluation of the results of PoC


  • Analysis infrastructure, design and services
  • Report on options for improvements telephony infrastructure, incorporating details of
    the financial and operational consequences
  • Hints for optimum technological evolution of telephony infrastructure


  • Analysis of infrastructure costs and communications
  • Preparation of Tender, accompanying the selection phase of new suppliers